Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Where in the World is...

If you're an important person, at the front of my mind or you leave the room that I'm in, then I'm asking where you went! Where dada, where mama, where Kacie, where Josh, where Jason, where Papa? This phrase makes an appearance mostly in the car, and when it does, it does not flee quickly. In fact, my parents compare this to an older child asking "are we there yet?" I ask in it a repetitive fashion, and once I get an answer, I just can't settle for that, so I ask the question again and again and again! My mom has gotten smart and started asking me the same question and occasionally I will satisfy her and give her an answer. For now, this is a great game to play, satisfying my inquisitive side.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Facts of Life

It's a sad but awesome day at Goddard...it's moving up day! My parents were informed during the last parent-teacher conference that I had passed all the required tests and had been accepted into the Two's Room. This is a big deal people!! Although its not such a huge leap as I have spent a significant amount of time in this room all along, there is some difference with respect to the things we learn. And have no fear, my girlfriend Emily moved with me; they would not dare separate the lovebirds! The sad part about this move is that my buddies Ryan and Steven got moved up to the next classroom. But with growth comes hard times. As I bid farewell to my old classmates and teacher, I am excited about my new teacher and classmates.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Hey Little Man

Happy Father's Day to the best 'Dada' in the world! And let us not forget about the older gents in my life...Grandpa Kappenman, Grandpa Basner, and Great Grandpa Johnsrud! This weekend we headed to the Rescue Zoo and were joined by David, Yarrow and Joceline. The animals were neat, but I'm really working on mastering jumping. I loved the fact that outside the zoo there was a place that I could climb up on and jump off. It was hot out but we had a great time followed by some Five Guys action.

Sunday was all about being a beach bum. We headed out early so we could get a good spot on the beach. On the way into Long Branch there were lots of signs for "Back to the Beach" car show. If any of you know my Grandpa K, then you know that he was enjoying his father's day at "Back to the 50's" in Minneapolis. There were lots of cars that sounded so cool that I just couldn't help but imitate them from the back seat. It was decided right than and there that we would enjoy the sand and waves for a few hours and then head down to see the cars. We spent a couple hours building sand castles, splashing in the waves, and burying myself in the sand. This made me so tired that walking down the boardwalk in my wagon I fell asleep sitting up. So we stopped and ate some lunch, giving me enough energy to make it down to the car show and back to the car before I was fast asleep within minutes of hitting my carseat.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Pants on the Ground, Pants on the Ground!

Well, it’s official, I HATE wearing clothes, shoes, and my diaper. I particularly hate wearing shoes. If I am in the car or anyway that provides me the opportunity to sit and think “why am I wearing shoes,” you can pretty much guarantee that my shoes are coming off! The same goes for my pants and diaper. I love a good challenge and getting my pants off is difficult, but not as difficult as my diaper…those dang Velcro tabs! I pretend I am Houdini and escape from my pants and diaper. I even do this on the playground or in my backyard. One time when Ms. Liz was busy with another kid, she turned her back for just one second, and next thing you know, I’m standing there naked from the waste down! My oh my was I a beautiful sight to behold! Of course she wouldn’t let me sun myself too long…so back on went the diaper, and then the pants. It was fun while it lasted.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I've Seen Better Days!

Uggh! Ouch! My mouth hurts! The last few days have not been some of my better days. It all started Sunday night with a slight fever of 99.4 degrees. Just before this mommy and I were playing so my parents thought the rise in temperature was just related to me running around like a crazy man. I slept all through the night waking at 5:30 a.m. (my normal time) still feeling pretty warm and screaming that “mouth hurts!” Much to my parents surprise I was getting my 2 year molars. Out came that toy I love to make beep, revealing a temp of 99.6 degrees. Down went the Motrin as I sat moping on my parent’s bed. In kicked the Motrin and out came Thad! I went to school and really didn’t eat much of my breakfast and by the time lunch came I refused to eat. I had a hard time taking my nap and all I wanted to do was be left alone. Daddy could not get there fast enough. By the time I got home 'Dada' had to beg me to take Motrin, and once I did I was back to normal. However, I barely slept that night, and neither did my parents; I was up every 2 hours!

I slept until 6 a.m. (shocking I know!) but was still miserable and crying that my mouth hurt. Forcing Motrin down my throat and crying because I couldn’t eat my raisins, I was not a happy camper. I didn’t touch my breakfast, playing instead. By 11 a.m. I was down for the count, skipping lunch altogether. I awoke around 2:45, just in time to steal some cookies from Emma and eat some of my fruit. That night at dinner I was still belly aching that my mouth hurt, but I didn’t have a problem helping myself to some tortilla chips! I guess you could say by Wednesday morning I was back to normal with my two upper molars peeking through!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Can You Tell Me How To Get to Sesame Street?

Every morning I wake up and either watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse or Elmo (short for Sesame Street). I absolutely love Elmo. I am fortunate to live so close to several attractions, one of these being Sesame Place. This is the town in which Sesame Street is located and it’s approximately 45 minutes from my house. Who knew I lived so close to Elmo; we’re practically neighbors! We headed out bright and early with Josh. Elmo began appearing on signs even before we got to Sesame Place, and of course I began shouting my love for Elmo. Once we got insides the gate we headed to Elmo’s world and Blasted Off. I don’t know about you, but I love the feeling of being dropped 10-15 feet in the air; I couldn’t stop laughing. Taking a short break from the rides, we headed to the concert hall to see Dan Zanes & Friends. I think my parents have determined that I’m not really one for music. I would rather climb steps and if those involve climbing up on stage then so be it. My parents prevented me from joining the band though so who knows if I would have been more musically inclined on stage than from the steps. After lunch, we headed over and got some pictures taken with Elmo and Big Bird followed by bouncing on Bert & Ernie’s pillow, a balloon ride and a little swimming. By 3:00 I crawled into my stroller and passed out. One thing is for sure, I’ll be back!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

I Wanna Hold Your Hand

Just like the Beatles, I have finally figured out what this hand deal is all about...dragging my mom and/or dad all over the place. When I just want something I walk right up to them, stick out my hand, say "hand" and they willingly come wherever I so desire. Greatest invention yet.

Might as well Jump! Yes, I have also figured out to how to jump. I haven't mastered this trick quite yet and don't feel comfortable jumping off things, such as the swimming pool side, but I am sure I will get there soon enough (although my mom doesn't hope so). I think she prefers the risk taker in me not debuting quite yet. Keeping in line with those hopes, these two feet will stay firmly planted on the ground and only leave upon command in soft landing places.

Snap! Believe it or not I can snap and cross my fingers. You have to listen very closely to hear the snap but if you do, you can definitely hear it. I also like to cross my fingers. Not sure if I know what I'm doing but it's definitely becoming a habit of mine.

Monday, June 7, 2010

And Down Will Come Baby!

"The baby fell out, mommy" so said my cousin Ellen regarding the birth of my newest cousin Owen Chad Shaffer. Baby Owen entered the world at 11:40 a.m. after Aunt Joy barely made it to the hospital in time. Nothing like making a speedy entrance into the world! We were lucky enough to have made it home from vacation in time to visit him on his birthday. Welcome to the world Owen!

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Lately I am obsessed with airplanes. I love picking them out when on walks or anytime I hear a sound that could be an airplane, I scream out “AIRPLANE”, looking up to see if I can spot where the sound came from. This week we headed back to see the Kappenman gang on an airplane. We had a connecting flight through Detroit and I could not help but shout airplane continuously from the moment we landed, through the entire airport, and then on take off to Minneapolis. As you can imagine, this happened in the Minneapolis airport too. The other thing that happened for the first time ever was that I got my very own seat thanks to some woman who was visibly annoyed from the minute she laid eyes on me; she switched her seat promptly and I just smiled.

As for the rest of the week, it was spent having a blast with my cousins. We swam at the country club like rich folk, riding on the four wheeler, playing basketball with Anna and Oscar, celebrated my birthday early with a family BBQ and gifts, splashed at the splash ground with my cousins, had a ball at the ball game, horseback riding and puppies, visited the zoo and failed out of zoo camp.

After a great week, it was back to the Minneapolis airport to see airplanes!