Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I Do!!

I haven't told you guys lately how much my vocabulary is growing. As you can imagine it's getting bigger by the day. A few of my lastest words included shoe, milk, hot, bear, alright, up, two, not nice, all done, sit down, touch down, and I do!

"Not nice" started a few weeks back, before Thanksgiving, when I developed the ability to hit. I don't hit at school, just at home. When I started hitting my parentals, they would tell me "not nice" and to give hugs, not hits. Occasionally my mom would shake her finger at me when she was saying it. So in response I learned that when I hit, I should say "not nice" and shake my finger. So now whenever I hit anything, person, cat, or stuffed animal, I say "Not Nice" in such a tone that I truly mean it. My mother tells me that I'm missing the context on this...whatever that means!

"Sit down" is relatively new and is constantly being said by my parents. For instance, just today I'm climbing up on the big brown chair where I decide that it would be so much fun to jump up and down while standing. My silly parents think that i'm going to fall off and crack my head open so they say in a stern voice, "Thad, Sit Down!" Of course they have to make a move towards me before I do so. Then I sit down's a big game I love to play. So now I tell them when I'm standing up "sit down." I guess you could say I understand context with this phrase.

"I do" is saved for those rare occasions where I just feel that I need to do it all by myself. This started when I would run away from mommy as she was attempting to get me to do something. She would say, "okay you do it." No fail, I would stop dead in my tracks and heel, attempting to pull off what some would consider to be a world record for a child my age. Needless to say, I now tell her "I do."

One, "TWO", three, yea (clap hands)! I guess you can say that I can count to three, kinda of...or I can tell you what comes after one. Even better is the fact that when I say two I hold up one finger. I learned at school to march around and count to ten, not only in English, but also in Spanish. So now we practice at home by marching around the house and counting.

Alright, is by far my favorite expression, and yes I do understand the context on this one. I love to say "Alrightttt!!" Not sure where I picked this up but everyone thinks it is so funny to hear me say it.

And finally, the one that impressives my father and all men around me...touch down! On Sundays, and probably only exclusive to this Vikings season, I can yell "touch down" on command. I even raise my hands to motion in celebration of such an awesome feat!

Needless to say, I love to talk!

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