Sunday, November 28, 2010

Love to Eat Turkey (Adam Sandler)

This past week we traveled back to what's commonly referred to as 'The Tundra' a/k/a South Dakota. First a brief stop in Minneapolis to visit Mike & Amy and to meet Micah for the first time. He's a youngin' so he doesn't do much, but hopefully by the time we return, he'll be crawling. On Sunday, I spent the day with Micah and his grandparents so the parentals could go to the Vikings v. Packers game. It was a terrible loss but I had a great time at the LaVallies.

As I had more people to see, we headed to Sioux Falls that evening arriving around 9 p.m. to be greeted by a tiny black and white kitten named Oreo. This kitty was awesome. If I could bundle her up and sneak back in my luggage without anyone knowing I would. I could do anything to this cat, and she just kept playing with me. She chased me up the stairs, ran after me, jumped on me, fought with me over a box and became my best friend for the week. Now that's not to say that I didn't love Oscar, it's just that he doesn't seem to have the same love affair brewing with me as Oreo.

As the weather was truly dreadful as the entire week was filled with freezing rain and ice, we didn't do much. However, I did spend a few days playing with my cousins Danny and Bryce, learning how to play the guitar, seeing my great grandparents, tackling my Grandpa K, celebrating Brooklyn's first birthday, Turkey day and the annual Lefsa and cookie making day where I had my first taste of the Norwegian stuff and loved it! Friday brought us back to Minneapolis for dinner with friends, and Saturday we were back on an airplane returning home to Jersey where the grass is green and the girls are pretty. To sum up our adventures to South Dakota, it was a great relaxing week.

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