Friday, July 15, 2011

A Whole New World

So many changes going on around here that I just can't keep up with my blogging to fill you all in. Let's go with the big ones:

Swimming on my own. Yes, you read that right. I took the plunge, let go of the hand/wall, and am keeping my head above water (kinda) and kicking like a fish to survive and spinning in the water. I still swallow an ocean because I haven't learned that my mouth should remained closed at all times. I have a new teacher, Mr. Mike, that I absolutely adore. For being my first male teacher he's sheer awesome and awesome at what he does. He's the assistant aquatic director at the Y. He developed this unique class that is something like a stepping stone into the "big" swim classes. It begins with parents in the water, but slowly over the course of eight weeks, the parents move out of the water leaving the kids to hold the wall. I'm not the best at keeping two hands on the wall, challenging my bubble to see if it will hold me up while I take on Mike's authority. But I'm learning and eventually I'll figure it out, but first I'll have to learn that drinking a lot of pool water and coughing like a smoker on a bad day, is not the way I want to spend my half hour.

Preschool! Oh yeah, call me advanced Thad! Mommy pushed, I moved, and now I have an awesome teacher, Ms. Susanna. Just as camp got underway they decided I was smart enough to move up to Clowns, skipping Monkeys (Preschool I) all together. This class has 20 kids which is much larger than my previous classes. My cognitive skills such as sequencing and matching; social skills in similarities and diversity; and language art skills of storytelling and writing are now being developed. We have visits from all types of people and agencies to introduce us to the outside world. Lizard Guy has been my favorite so far. We have a computer in our classroom that I get to play on everyday, allowing me to practice and expand new skills; I love the Dora game. Finally, we have fitness which includes water day two times a week and Karate on pizza days. Needless to say, I'm busy!! In September, camp will be over and the real preschool begins with books, crayons, glue and scissors.

Sports Class! I have now transitioned into the Sports Skills Development class at the Little Gym. As much as I loved gymnastics and playing with mommy and daddy, it was time to get brave and venture out on my own. This class will prepare me for team play by teaching me the rules and strategies of team sports. We run drills and simulate games for many popular sports including soccer, baseball, basketball, football, hockey and golf. I'm also learning about teamwork and sportsmanship. In fact, when I couldn't do a handstand on the wall, another little boy helped me up. This class is definitely testing my patience as I have to wait by the wall until its my turn. This is especially difficult when in gymnastics I was able to run and play on anything whenever I wanted. The best part of this class is that we're playing so many different sports each time that I get to use lots of different things, like bats, hockey sticks, and basketballs. I am taking the summer off, but start up again in September!

So Big! As days creep by for me, they are flying by for my parents, or at least they tell me so. The independence stage has begun and I am excelling. I have now started dressing myself, well that is if we're not in a hurry and need to get out the door. And I am fantastic at undressing myself. Potty training is in full swing and when I use the potty at school sometimes I feel the need to get completely naked first. My teachers don't quite understand this but hey! i'm attempting to go pee pee on the potty. I have now started using pull ups like they are just a new diaper. Yup, my parents got the letter that I was ready for pull-ups from Ms. Susanna so they drop the big coin and wouldn't you know, I quit going on the potty! They say you're not supposed to threaten to put me back into diapers...this is working well as I hold this over my parents head. What's awesome about my pull ups is how fancy they are; they put Buzz Lightyear on them which screams, "there is big boy stuff going on around here!"

Bad Trick! Just when we thought the teething had wrapped up, someone forgot to inform my mom that there is such a thing as 3 year old molars. I'm whining and not able to eat but no one can figure out what's wrong with me. Hello! my teeth hurt and you're not getting me! So after a little research and discussions with Ms. Susanna, my mom was clued in on what's to come. Even my baby book doesn't include a spot for the 3rd Molars! They haven't popped through yet but when they do I'm sure I will let everyone know by sticking my finger in the back of my mouth and in jibberish I will say "I have a new tooth!"

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