Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Getting Ready for Turkey

So today I went for my 4 month check-up...what a treat - 3 vaccines and i'm still alive!

As for Turkey Day, I will be spending it amongst some the best people I have yet to meet...my mommy's family! I can't wait to play with my cousins! I'll be eating cearel while others will be eating turkey. You heard it hear - the Dr gave me the green light for veggies and fruits in two weeks. Let the countdown begin!

While we're in South Dakota i'll be taking pictures with my cousins, making lefsa with my Great Grandma J, and exploring the country. As this is my first Black Friday I may do some shopping since i'll be up anyway; need to get those early deals in this economy! I also have lunch plans with my second cousin, Allison.

Happy T-Day!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

My First Turkey Day

Wednesday night we left for my first turkey day which was spent in Sioux Falls, SD. After being told numerous times at the Newark airport by old women how cute I was, my mom thinks I'm bound and determined to have a suger momma. She keeps telling me that I need to aim for a younger woman, at least one that doesn't have dentures and wears depends. Although I find some comfort in a woman who has no teeth like me, I think my mom is right and I'll stick to the younger chicks that haven't lost any teeth yet.

The flight itself was good as I slept most of the way, however stepping off the plane in Minnesota for our layover made me really happy that I live by the beach...it was FREEZING! After warming up with a nice stroll through MSP airport, I was finally able to meet Mike and Amy who were really nice. Plus, they're Viking fans (like dad and me). We took some pictures, mom and dad had dinner...actually mom had dinner standing up since I had no interest in sitting around watching the four of them eat. Afterwards, it was back through security to catch our 10:45 pm flight. I slept through this plane ride also and mom got me up again... Hello, do people not realize that this is my bed time??!!

After getting off the plane again in some cold Antarctic land, Aunt Lori was at the airport waiting for us. This was a very small airport that took no time to get our bags. Then I got bundled up, placed in a strange carseat that I was not fond of because it was not mine!! After a ride down a dirt road we wound up at Aunt Lori’s house. Needless to say, I was exhausted and fell right into bed, to only wake my parents up at 3:30 as all that traveling made me hungry; you may recall I didn't eat dinner with my parents.

The next day we work up and I met my cousins Danny and Bryce, and my Uncle Mike. Danny is 3 and runs all over the place. Bryce is a big boy; he is the same age as my cousin Ellen but about twice her size. But then again I am pretty big too (more to come on that in my posting on the weekend in general). Danny is really nice, he talked and played with me. Bryce is very quiet except when he gets mad. Sometimes he did not like sharing with me, especially his high chair. After hanging out with the Bangasser's, we left for Thanksgiving with Grandma and Grandpa Kappenman. We drove to Uncle Todd and Aunt Barb’s and surprised my cousin Anna who is 9. When mommy, daddy and I walked in she turned and looked at us in utter shock!! She was very excited to see us!! Anna is also very nice. We played, ate and celebrated in true T-day fashion. Although I wasn't able to eat any turkey, all that turkey around me made me fall asleep in my high chair.

That night, we went back to Aunt Lori's and had dinner...again! Mommy ate way too much! Daddy said he can never eat too much. At Aunt Lori’s I got to meet Great Grandma and Grandpa Johnsrud and my namesake - my uncle Jeremy Thad. The picture of the week is with my Uncle Jeremy. I loved staring at him and his hairline, wondering whether I'll be bald for the rest of my life! I've been told at one time he had more hair; i'm hopeful. Great Grandma is a really good rocker; she does it every week at the hospital for little babies in the NICU. I enjoyed sitting with my Great Grandma and rocking it out. I was very tuckered by the end of the day. All in all, it was a good turkey day, but I have to say I can't wait until next year when I can actually eat the turkey!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

It's all about the pictures baby!

Friday night was spent at home with the parental units. For some reason they were extra tired from staying up at night last week?

Saturday brought a day of running errands and dinner with my friends Louis and Katrina in Princeton at mommy's and daddy's favorite mexican place. I spent the first part of dinner sleeping but woke up just in time...when the food was arriving. There was no way I was staying in that car seat; I wanted to sit up and look around at my surroundings.

Sunday was picture day! As we waited for Picture People to open I thought it best to have an early lunch; the parents didn't think this was such a great idea as I have been having a hard time keeping my food down. They were worried I was going to mess up my outfit. So I was fed in intervals. This nice lady kept saying "peek-a-boo" and making funny noises, but I was too busy thinking about food. I smiled occasionally (when I thought of food) but not as much as I would have if I got to finish my whole bottle in one setting. But needless to say, those people raising me know me too well, I got my shirt dirty. Thank goodness I had an outfit change. After I finished at Picture People, it was on to the man in the red suit with a white beard. He was nice and plump...good padding to lean up against in my pictures. By this point I was getting pretty tired and if I wasn't really smiling before, I sure wasn't going to smile then. So I sat back and watched all these people jump up and down, squeak toys and talk stupid, all in an attempt to get me to smile. Eventually I gave in, gave a few big smiles but the woman who was taking my picture seemed to miss it every time...may I suggest a job change - probably not in this economy.

As I'm more advanced than your average 3 1/2 month old with my website, I thought I would post the link so you can view my professional modeling debut:


I think Sunday may have just been the best day of my life thus far...I finally figured out what my mouth is all about. In addition to screaming at the top of my lungs, and gulping milk down, I can now eat real food. After noticing my attempts to eat anything my parents put in their mouths, they decided it was time to try rice cearel on a spoon. I was all about the spoon sholving food in my mouth - best invention ever! Stayed tuned for more updates on what the spoon brings!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Great Grandma Basner

I met Great Grandma Basner today for the first time. Wow does she make me feel young! She travelled all the way from Boston to see me. She was there when I really chuckled for the first time.

On Saturday we travelled to South Jersey for my cousin Ellen's first birthday. There were lots of people, cake and tons of presents. Ellen got an Elmo Live which I found interesting as I didn't quite know what to make of him. However, my parents, especially my mom, laughed and laughed at Elmo...I may get one for Christmas or should I say my mom may get one! Another funny thing that happened is that Josie, one of Ellen's friends, ate her birthday candle - how weird is that. They told her to lick the icing off of it and she took it one step further. Uncle Chad thought that Ellen's best present was a box of Pampers...I have a great idea in mind for Christmas for Uncle Chad, Depends.

Sunday I watched the Vikings beat the Packers in my Vikes outfit...it was great to see the Cheeseheads lose! The Vikings are officially one game up on the Packs!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I voted for Change!!

Today is my first official Election Day of my life. I was so excited when I woke up and mommy told me that I would get to go vote with her. So off we went to the voting booth. The booth official tried to stop me from entering but mommy said not to worry, I would be voting by proxy.

So we entered the booth and I told mommy to vote OBAMA. She happily cast my ballot for change. Hopefully tomorrow I will wake up and look forward to January when a Democratic will be sworn into office.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Monkey See...Monkey Do

After a weekend of trick or treating and going to my first Halloween party, today is Mommy's Birthday!! Happy Birthday Mommy!!

Friday, after participating in my first Halloween parade at day care, I came home and went trick-or-treating with Jeannie and James, our neighbors. We had fun and got lots of Candy. I even got a stuffed animal from one person and $2.00 from another. That night we want to Aunt Casey and Uncle Scott's to celebrate Aunt Casey's birthday. I've attached a picture so you can see what a cute monkey I was!

Saturday, after visiting Aunt Kate and Uncle Andy Ro in the afternoon, we went back that night for a Hall-Ro-ween Party. It was lots of older people, but I learned to play beer pong and flip cup!!! Everyone at the party said I was sooo cute and really liked me. The best part was no one laughed at me when I puked, they laughed at this other guy who puked first!!!

Sunday, we did some shopping and spent they day with Mommy for her birthday!! She said I was a great birthday present. My present to her was a sleepless night :)