Saturday, August 28, 2010

Come Together

Up and at em’ bright and early! That was the motto for the day as we headed out on our vacation down to the Outer Banks. The Outer Banks are located in North Carolina, approximately 8 hours from our house. In an attempt to beat the traffic, we departed at 3:00 a.m. We met up with Josh at the tiny Sage diner in Onley, VA. They didn’t even have a changing table! Of course this was after my blanket and I got into a screaming match with each other at 6 a.m. because the blanket wouldn’t stay on my feet. After a long drawn out fight, I was pretty hungry and was treated to my very first donut – Entenmann’s Pop ‘Ems with milk to wash it down. Continuing on the way after the diner, we crossed the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, a 20 mile bridge that I ended up falling asleep while crossing over. We finally arrived in what’s considered to be the start of the Outer Banks, Duck. We stopped off for lunch at The Outer Banks Brewery. This place was exceptional as it served beer for adults and has a playground in the back. Talk about a daydream for both kids and parents! After lunch we continued on our way to check into our house, ultimately arriving into Waves and the house around 3:30. All the rental homes in the Outer Banks have names, with our house having the name ‘Come Together’. It definitely describes our week as we all came together and had a great time creating lots of memories.

The house was beautiful and located close to the beach. It was three floors which meant lots of stairs covered in carpet. But this meant that there was lots of stairs to fall down, which I of course did immediately. I was trying to follow mommy upstairs to the top floor and she thought I was with daddy and he thought I was with mommy. In all reality I was left to my own devices. No one really knows what happened but I do know that I came tumbling down and landed at the bottom with a big kaboom! Other than a few tears shed, I was back up and at it in no time. With order being restored we headed out to the pool. Shortly thereafter, Meredith, Anthony and Margo arrived and in tote they brought a giant turtle that was turned into a ship that was sailed between the parents at each end of the pool. In addition to the turtle, we had plenty of blow up objects that filled the pool and kept each of us entertained.

The rest of the week played out much as to be expected being near the beach. We would awake and head to the top floor for breakfast. After breakfast we would gather our stuff for the beach and head on out. After setting up on the beach, daddy and Jason would dig a big hole and trench for the kids to play in. We would spend all morning playing in the sand and attempting to fill the hole with water. The daddy’s would trudge down to the ocean to fill sand pales with water and we would fill the sand pales with sand until so full that you would have to pound out the sand. It was a never ending cycle but one that kept us entertained. In between all this, left playing in the waves. I never grew tired of letting the water chase me, and in turn running after the waves that went back out to sea. I was engrossed by the water washing upon my feet and upon it returning, leaving my feet buried in the sand. I loved having daddy or mommy chase after me while I ran out into the ocean or sweep me up before the ocean could. There were a few times I was knocked down but with no lasting effects, I would get right back up and do it again.

After spending the morning on the beach we would head back to the house, eat lunch and take naps giving the adults down time to swim, read or prepare dinner. Speaking of dinner, we had some pretty fantastic dinners. In between such dinners consisting of chicken enchiladas and blackened chicken, we had a shrimp boil with all the fixings. The last night we all headed out to Top Dog/Max’s?? where we enjoyed some local fare.

We were also able to check out some local businesses which provided a couple of hours of tourist shopping when it was raining. Another day we headed down to Cape Hatteras to explore the Lighthouse and Museum with lunch out at Dirty Dick’s Crab House?? It a place that just screamed Uncle Toddy all over it, so we had to buy him a shirt to commemorate our visit. It said something like “I got crabs from Dirty Dick’s.” We only ended up here after the Frisco Sandwich Company was closed; we heard they have great pickles, but we wouldn’t know as they aren’t open on Mondays! Another site we ventured out to see was the bay. We found a pier that we were able to walk all the way out onto the sound, to only discover a giant sheep dog with his owners. Although huge and intimidating he was a really nice doggy! A few of the mornings allowed us to venture out on the bikes we rented. As much as I enjoyed riding on the back of daddy, I wasn’t so fond of my bike helmet. After I got over the initial fight with the helmet and realizing I wasn’t going to win, I found myself relaxing and enjoying the ride. At one point, I was so relaxed that I ended up falling asleep which proved to be uncomfortable for daddy as that pesky helmet kept hitting him in the back as my head kept bobbing; but mind you, it kept my head safe, as my mommy kept saying!

I loved our vacation to the Outer Banks and can’t wait to go back. It’s a good thing we’re already booked for a return visit the week of Memorial Day. Let the countdown to sand digging begin!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Pee Pee in the Potty

I did it!! Each night, right before I go to bed, I attempt to go potty. Nothing ever happens and the diaper goes right back on. Well tonight was very different. My mommy left the bathroom to grab something and when she came back in I looked up with inquiring eyes and asked “What’s that?” She looked down with great pride and said you went potty!! I then proceeded to lick my fingers. My mommy’s face went from joy to hiding a grossed-out face. All the meanwhile, my daddy came in to join and showed me how we flush my pee down the big toilet; I got to pull the lever! Mommy assisted me with washing my hands and brushing my teeth and mouth thoroughly. We celebrated in grand fashion with my pants on my head dancing on the bed.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

How Do You Sleep?

Have you ever had one side of your bed removed? Well that’s what happened to me today! My parents brought me upstairs to show me the new developments in my room. It was a rather exciting moment, evidence by the pictures below. Better yet, you know what this means don’t you? This means I have free range to roam as I please anytime of night. And I don’t have to stay in bed unless I really want too. With that said, I have taken advantage of this and have made it some sort of a game. One of my parents put me in bed, leave the room, I get out and come into the hallway to greet them with a big smile. They march me back in and put me back into bed, only to do it all over again. My father likes to call this the Oklahoma drill procedure. After a few nights of this, they were fed up or rather frustrated that my mother just sat beside my bed until I fell asleep. However, this didn’t last long, only a few days. At that point, they decided they would just stand at the door and hold it shut until I decided to go back to bed, screaming the whole way!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Disappearing Boy

What the heck is that; this is exactly what came out of my mommy’s mouth today. This morning I woke up and had an odd looking rash where my diaper meets my legs and tummy, but it appeared to be a simple diaper rash. Then the daycare called around 3:00 saying that I had a weird looking rash on my upper thighs. Thinking it was the same thing, my parents let it go and showed up around 5:00. Upon arriving home my parents looked at it and thought it was my shorts irritating my legs. I thought who cares…we have gymnastics to get too! So off we went to gymnastics, a bit early my parents took another look and the rash was spreading up my stomach, onto my back and down my legs. We headed to the nearest CVS seeking the pharmacist’s advice and leaving with Benadryl. I ended up going to gymnastics with daddy while mommy waited “patiently” for a call from the pediatrician. When Dr. Yee finally returned the call she stated it was likely a viral rash that should get better with time. The next call was made to Great Uncle Roger, who agreed that it was likely a viral rash and as long as my breathing and body temperature were normal, there was nothing to fear. I was a little scratching but nothing Benadryl couldn’t help. Within 24 hours my body was back to normal, but not before I looked like a cheetah whose spots would jump from one body part to the next within a matter of hours.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Mr. Independent

Well if you haven’t heard yet I can do everything by myself. I insist that you let me do things my way. If you dare ask if I need help you will receive a resounding NO and/or a hand to the face! I love to take my shoes on and off by myself, my sunglasses are no exception, as is my hat. I love to climb the stairs independently but these seem to get me in trouble. Just the other day I was climbing the stairs with a ball and lost my balance like humpty dumpty and went tumbling backward. Oh and if you haven’t experienced what its like to not be able to express yourself through words, trust me your only outlet would be to scream frantically until either the toy cooperates or someone comes to my rescue. But don’t forget I can do everything and anything by myself, so this creates a big contradiction. As my personality develops one of my strongest traits to shine through is persistence. This tends to get in the way, but eventually I do give in and seek help for any problem I can’t conquer. Although my ego will be bruised occasionally, I shall not give up!

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Tonight I was honored to dance with the great Michael Jackson, sing a tune with Bette Midler, and wonder what was up with Lady Gaga. Josh’s Great Aunt, Tracy, turned 50 and in honor of her we celebrated Hollywood style. Josh and I walked the red carpet and couldn’t escape the paparazzi. We ate like Kings and danced the night away! Most of all, Tracy was very surprised and had a great time. It’s hard to say what impersonator she liked the best, probably Michael Jackson as he did all the classic moves and the famous moon walk. Of course Lady Gaga was as weird as ever, but that’s what she’s known for. Some say she is going to be the Madonna of my generation…whatever that means! It was a fantastic night that lasted way past my bedtime. My parents told me that me without sleep is worse than a hangover the next day! But it was worth it because I had so much fun!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Each year the first week of August, the Middlesex County Fair arrives in town. There are rides, food and animals. The day before the fair, mama took me to see Dr. Manfredo for my two year check-up. The only good thing about this check up was the fact that I escaped alive and without having to be poked. Dr. Manfredo made it quick and painless, but not until after the nurse tortured me. She attempted to make me lay on the baby scale whereby I refused to sit still. Thank god my mother intervened and suggested that we try the big scale. Showing that nurse how big I was, I stepped right up on the scale to be told that I weighed 28 pounds exactly. Back in the doctor’s room she forced me to lay still, yeah right, to be measured head to toe and around my big head. I am now 35” tall.

This leads right into my story about the fair. The minute we pulled into the fair I saw the big ferris wheel and was so excited I couldn’t help but scream, “get out!” We walked around analyzing what rides I could go on and how many tickets we needed to purchase, twenty to be exact. I rode the motorcyles, boats, a train, and everything in between. Or at least I attempted to. Here’s the kicker, most of the rides require you to be 36” or taller; remember I’m only 35”. Did you know that Carnies actually invest in PVC pipe to create measuring sticks? According to this fancy device I am no where near the 36” threshold which prevented me from riding on some of the rides. I was clearly upset and if I had the wherewithal to tell that carnie exactly what I thought of his measuring device I would have told him to buy a real yard stick! My mother even attempted a white lie for me saying I was 36” inches. What difference would an inch make, seriously! Needless to say, I still enjoyed myself on the rides and visiting the animals in the barn. On the way out there was a fire truck just waiting for me to climb on in. I got to wear a fireman’s hat which was way too heavy for my big head! Sitting in the front and back of the truck I was able to explore what it would be like to head out on a call. As I was leaving the fairgrounds, I made sure the carnies heard me screaming that I would be back, an inch taller at least, so be prepared!