Saturday, January 29, 2011

For The First Time

Lots of firsts to share with you over the past month. In swimming lessons, I have finally conquered blowing bubbles and letting go of the wall. Now this may seem to be a small feat for some of you but I have been trying to blow bubbles for the past year. My parents have tried to explain to me that its similar to blowing out a candle, and other ideas, but nothing was getting through. Then finally, its as if the birthday candle appeared in front me and I blew. I have also decided that swimming on my own is something I want to tackle. So I let go of the wall, but always forget to kick my feet causing my ears and nose to dip below the water level before I’m pulled back up for oxygen. I would guess that in due time this will eventually click, but no such luck at the moment.

In gymnastics, which I continue to love, I have started jumping off of things. My mommy is not so sure about this one as she is wondering where this is going to lead, but one thing is for sure, my confidence in myself is growing! Just the other day she caught me jumping from the couch to the coffee table and back. Of course this lead to a lecture of why this wasn’t such a good idea, as well as an explanation that mommy and daddy don’t jump on the furniture so that means I can’t. So I save all my bouncing and jumping for the Little Gym on Tuesdays. I’m also doing somersaults or front rolls unassisted. Some kids get this in one roll, however my long legs and the fact that I only use one hand when rolling has prevented me from doing this without help. So recently, when using the “cheese wedge” I have been able to push myself over.

Lastly, it was only recently that I began singing along with songs. It began when mommy was singing Silent Night to me and I decided that I wanted to join in. Ever since then I have joined in every night. Lately I have been telling mommy that I want to sing Silent Night all by myself where I am bound to miss a verse or two, but I’m so cute that she just sits by and smiles. How could you not resist ending your night with me?

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